Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Essay Topics and Scoring High On Online Essay Scoring

Essay Topics and Scoring High On Online Essay ScoringRomeo and Juliet themed essays can be a lot of fun, but you need to know the subject matter well. If you have never written on this topic before, you will be writing from a set of parameters. Even if you are a Shakespeare scholar, you will have to break these rules to get the most out of your story. Here are some very important points to keep in mind when planning your essay.Juliet is not only clever, she is also feisty. As the story goes, she faked her own death and then left London for the Mediterranean. Most scholars will agree that this was a noble act. However, she will have to be realistic about why she faked her death. The number one reason is because she knew she was going to marry a monster.Romeo has the same problem. He is unhappy in a marriage with a woman who simply does not love him. He needs to come up with a new story, one where he is the hero. This will help him meet Juliet's new requirements. He will not have to be sentimental when it comes to his relationship with Juliet.While Romeo and Juliet themes are extremely popular, many people do not believe they should be used for essay topics. You can use them, but make sure you research thoroughly before putting it in the book. There are many facts that can cause confusion.First of all, there is a huge amount of detail in the historical documents. Of course, scholars cannot just read about the past. They have to look at the records and know how the historical figures lived. Without this information, your essay may look completely different than it would appear in a college book. Second, if you want to find out the details of an interesting person, you should probably start your search history books. Make sure you are searching in the right places. For example, if you want to find out more about a famous actor, try doing a search in the IMDB database.You can see that there is a big difference between these two topics. However, a great essay can wor k well on either topic. Just make sure you do your homework first. After all, you may not be able to fool everyone, but you can definitely fool a few.

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